Bringing together stories, rooms, life.

How to feel like you’re on vacation every day

At a recent company event at a beach house overlooking breath-taking Kaneohe Bay, I mentioned to one of our executives, “How can you ever leave this place and go to work?”


We all laughed. Yet, no one could break their gaze at the cool jewel-toned water, the vast blue sky, and the lush expansive Ko’olau mountains in the background. It was more than beautiful. It was paradise.

It made me wonder. How can I bring that same relaxed vacation feeling into my home? I won’t have the view of course, but could I capture the same serene, luxurious feel?

kayaks copy

All I had to do was compare what I did at the beach house to how I live at home. With a few adjustments, you too can come home to a vacation retreat every day.

1. Unplug

cellfinalAt the beach house, I didn’t check my emails once. In fact, the only time I touched my phone was to take pictures of all the fun we were having.

How often are you on your tablet or phone checking social media while at home? We spend so many hours watching TV that we miss hours of peace and quiet conversation at home.

2. Reduce the clutter

The beach house and all hotel rooms have this one thing in common: no clutter. By simply decluttering your home, you can turn your room in a plush hotel suite.

Take a good look at your home. Do you see piles of laundry, stacks of junk mail, toys, and other meaningless clutter that creates stress?

My nightstand

My nightstand

The Cambridge bedroom collection at

The Cambridge bedroom collection at HomeWorld

Now visualize a hotel room, even a simple one and you’ll see the very basics: a bed, nightstands, lamps, dresser, a table, chairs, and TV. Start simplifying what you own today to create your peaceful sanctuary.


The Cambridge LIV 360 nightstand has a built-in charging station to recharge your mobile devices in the top drawer keeping your nightstand free of wires and cables.

3. Eat leisurely

outsidefinalOf course one of the highlights of vacation is eating! Before I go anywhere, I research the best places to eat so I don’t miss a thing. But when I’m home I find myself in front of the TV, eating mindlessly while checking messages on my phone.

Time to rethink those bad habits. Turn off the electronics and move dinner to the dining room. Or better yet, move meals outdoors. Change the place and you’ll change the pace.


You may not have a spectacular view of the beach, but by changing your view or attitude of your home, you can appreciate all the luxuries your home has to offer.

About Terri Dux

Terri Dux

Besides being a writer, passionate blogger, and photographer for HomeWorld Furniture, Terri is also co-owner of a local t-shirt craft company. When not watching her favorite TV channel, HGTV, Terri likes crafting, gardening, and thrifting at neighborhood garage sales.

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